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Ever Better Today, Ep. 1: Welcome!
Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, and life in ten minutes or less!
My name is Lisa Conners Vogt, and I am an Executive and Leadership Coach who works with founders, co-founder teams and visionary leaders to grow their companies and optimize their lives!
My clients achieve their goals through:
Articulating their long-term vision, goals and milestones
Identifying what might be holding them back
Approach their work as a leader of leaders
Addressing mental and physical health, relationships, communication, and more!
Clients often work with me on a long-term basis and the greatest thing about coaching is witnessing their success, growth and progress! Learn more about me and my work here!
How I Started the Ever Better Podcast
Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I went into research mode. I spoke to many doctors, survivors, and others affected by breast cancer diagnoses. As I weighed my treatment options I listened to lots of podcasts about the topic.
Podcasts helped me learn about breast cancer and its treatments.
The stories and experiences of others inspired me.
They were really a lifeline at times.
Over and over again I would listen to a podcast episode and come away with a different mindset. So I started thinking about creating a podcast of my own.
The following year, I went to a camp for adults called Camp Good Life Project, which is no longer offered. It was a one-of-a-kind experience created by Jonathan Fields who produces the Good Life Project Podcast.
I expressed my interest in podcasting to others at the camp, and many were podcasters themselves. I shared that I wanted to create a podcast to inspire people the way I had been inspired.
Another podcaster asked for my notebook while in mid-conversation. He wrote, “buy this microphone… sign up for this service… do this thing… do this thing...” He gave me the specific action items I needed to start a podcast. He demystified the process and encouraged me to get started!
Fast forward several years and I finished the first “season” of the Ever Better Podcast with ninety episodes!
Coach Lisa
While creating the Ever Better Podcast, my guests would regularly say, “I feel like I've been through a really good coaching session.”
I reflected on this and realized that I had always taken a coaching approach to my work.
When I was 23 years old and managing software developers, I had no idea of how to code. I didn't understand the technical details but I was able to help my team mesh and become very high-performing. Through applying curiosity, listening fully and applying my business knowledge I was able to bring out the best in each person.
What started out as encouragement from my podcast guests, became a side gig, and in 2017, I left my marketing and public relations job to become a full-time executive coach.
Ever Better Today
What began in 2015 as the Ever Better Podcast, has become Ever Better Today beginning in 2022.
So what will I be sharing this season? Some topics I’ll cover are:
Creating and maintaining a billion-dollar mindset.
Growing your business to the next level.
Reframing events, messages, and circumstances.
How to better communicate with your friends, family, and co-workers.
Executive presence.
Playing bigger.
And many more!
I won’t be interviewing guests as I did in Season 1. Each episode, you’ll hear my thoughts on a specific topic - distilled down into 10 minutes or less.
If you'd like to request that I cover a specific topic or to set up a consultation, send me an email at Lisa@everbetteru.com.
For more on the former Camp Good Life Project: https://www.goodlifeproject.com/camp-glp/
For more of Jonathan Field’s work: https://www.jonathanfields.com/
for a complete episode transcript, please click here